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    We think you can learn a lot about yourself from your dreams. This is good for the mind. "While one might use lucid dreaming to act out all kinds of fantasies, researchers think there are applications for lucid dreaming beyond mere entertainment. Psychologists and other researchers are looking for ways it could improve our waking experience. " Dreams into art --

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    Between Kaiser Permanente and the Affordable Care Act more >Americans have the opportunity for quality health care. And that's a big win for everyone.

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    We stand behind LA’s Republique restaurant and

    We stand behind LA’s Republique restaurant and their decision to add health care for their 85 full-time employees. The money to do so comes from a three percent surcharge added to each customer’s bill. Very reasonable; especially when you consider how many restaurants treat their employees, especially the wait staff. Republique’s method surprised some patrons and actually offended others (notably whining Yelpers). Sure they could have simply raised their prices by 3% but we agree with the statement they are making and the trust they are seeking from their customers

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    Wowzers! Way to go, CVS!

    Wowzers! Way to go, CVS!

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    Passion dictates action.

    Passion dictates action. We work hard for what we want, but we shouldn't work ourselves to death. We believe that one can work hard and be healthy! Measure your own success and keep your body, and mind, in mind.

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    Non-vaccinators should pay an annual penalty.

    Non-vaccinators should pay an annual penalty. This issue should be treated the same way healthcare coverage is treated. When individuals choose not to buy healthcare coverage, the odds increase that the public will have to pick up the tab for any healthcare costs they incur (e.g. ER visits) which are usually much higher than if they had preventative care. (This accountability principle was upheld by the right-leaning SCOTUS, so let's not devolve this vox into a conversation about Obamacare.) Along those lines, parents who opt-out of child vaccination would be required to pay a hefty annual penalty approximately equal to the healthcare costs they place on the public. It's only fair and responsible.

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    We agree with this pediatrician, childhood vaccinations are "one of the most unambiguously helpful interventions in the history of modern medicine."

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    And those who don't vaccinate are freeloaders! They selfishly benefit from the effort of others while giving nothing in return. Moreover, they unnecessarily increase the risk of illness for those whose health is too weak to permit being vaccinated. Lastly, they put their own children at unnecessary risk. While it's arguable that parents have the right not to vaccinate their children, because this involves the health of the greater public, we think it's an area that should be addressed more directly by public policy.

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    We hold that the key to healthy living is *balance

    We hold that the key to healthy living is *balance*, as illustrated in this piece about the unexpected negative effects of rigid adherence to what is stereotypically considered "healthy".

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    Juicing for health or enjoy a Soothing Smoothie. I never thought I would jump on any of the health fads. I consider myself health concious. I'm not vegan or vegetarian, but I watch what I eat and read lables to stay away from processed foods. Still after I recently started making my own smoothies and juice with my blender, I have to say this is the best way to consume them all at once. Right now I'm making my own recepies with fruits and veggies, but they are delicious and I feel so much energy renewed right away. I keep the stalks and some skin on so I can consume the whole produce. Do it how you want, but start now!

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    Short workouts can be great! We're excited by studies showing that short but intense workouts can provide substantial health benefits. This is welcome news for those of us whose schedules are very impacted, and since this addresses one of the largest psychological barriers to exercise, we hope this can help turn the tide on the obesity epidemic afflicting so many.

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    Ban e-cigarettes in public everywhere!

    Ban e-cigarettes in public everywhere! NYC has the right idea. And business owners should also ban their use in offices! More research is needed before permitting their general use.

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    Worried about your eyes melting while staring at the computer screen for hours on end? No fear f.lux is here --> Your eyes will thank you later ;)

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    "All red meat is bad for you, new study says," as in any amount you eat increases your chance of early death. We hope this will be enough for the FDA to create responsible, healthy dietary guidelines, not another colorful pictograph that incorporates top American processed food corporations, as well as drive a stake (no pun intended) through the heart of the less-than-ethical cattle industry!

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