Voting a post up or down is one of the key components of blocvox yet most posts have only one or two votes. It’s a test environmentalists; let’s test it. Vote up or down but vote.
Wine and carrots. Not bad, not bad at all.
Ecstatic about the self-destruction playing out in the >republican-party today!
Part of the American Dream is what gave way to suburban sprawl. Building outward across land has allowed cities/towns to be developed with ridiculously winding roads and interconnecting highways that make dependency on traveling by vehicles necessary for convenience. Carbon emissions and wasted land space can be limited by educating the importance in a shift of American Dream ideals to building upward rather than out, living in smaller, shared space so that city-wide development facilitates traveling by means of public, mass, rapid transportation (e.g. subway system in NYC, bus system in Curitiba, Brazil). Ultimately, an end to suburban development and migration to existing major cities (without our vehicles) can significantly contribute in doing less harm to the environmentalists.
We're annoyed that people are placing blame on the Ruby on Rails team for Github's irresponsible use of their framework. (E.g. http://venturebe
We should try to use "we" in our voxes and when creating blocs make sure the title used represents a group. So maybe "gossip girl fans" or "environmentalistsal activists". (Note: bloc names do not currently support spaces.)
The Meowmorphosis - http://www.amazo
I just noticed in the workspace for the vox, it is hinted that I use "we" instead of "I" - as Americans, we need to shed some of our individualism in this iCulture.
Tentatively making my way around blocvox. Will run this test up the ol' flagpole to see who salutes.
What is necessary for the American mindset to lose it's hubris is opening itself to listening to and encouraging the criticism of the rest of the world. But, this also applies to the Western mindset in general no matter where on this Earth it is established systematically. This world may be controlled by money for now, but ideas are the currency of the future.
I believe that online we must seek out ways to dialogue with other world citizens in a more organized forum, and I feel like combining news and information items in a more collaborative, open and uncensored environmentalists is necessary. Without fear of reprisal or intervention of law enforcement. It's not about secrecy or privacy, but liability and freedom of expression.
I enjoy watching
Wonderful user interface design so far!
We love this site!!!!!!!!