
This vox by mike on behalf of new-yorkers is endorsed by 1 of them and denied by 0.


Proposed Saturday, June 16, 2012 by mike

The new Civic Park, er, Grand Park, (or whatever it's called these days) being celebrated by >los-angelenos, is nothing compared to the original urban manicured park, Central Park!

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Discussion among the new-yorkers.
  1. mikeThis is an example of a bloc "mention", in which another bloc is referenced in the body of a vox. This not only causes the other bloc's name to become a link, but also causes this vox to appear in that bloc's listing, so their members are more likely to see it and respond (perhaps by Replying).   12 years ago
  2. mikeTo create a mention, simply include another bloc's name verbatim, preceded immediately by a ">" without any spaces. E.g. ">americans'.   12 years ago