Today we celebrate our independence in NYC! The sky couldn't be bluer, the lumpia couldn't be crispier, and the halo halo couldn't be more refreshing! >New-Yorkers, come out to Madison Square Park and join the festivities!
We support VA chief Shinseki He may be an easy target but he is not the source of current Veterans Affairs problems. As stated by Gen. Barry McCaffrey, “He is determined, focused and wants to factually understand a problem so he can get a sensible solution.” He is a soft-spoken soldier who does not pound the table or raise his voice. In 2003 he stood up to Rumsfeld when he said thousands more troops would be needed to secure postwar Iraq. For that he lost his job but not his integrity. We do not want a competent and honest man to be replaced with a glad-hand politician.
We celebrate our 7th pick in the 2014 NBA draft! Clarification, we celebrate responsibly.
Blue skies, warm dry air, and a cool breeze. At looong last, we had a perfect day.
We're shocked that 275 Nigerian schoolgirls were abducted by militants. We realize politics there are extremely turbulent, but it's unconscionable for children to be used as bargaining chips. We support the protesting >Nigerians that demand more government and military attention in this matter!
We demand repercussions for the egregious killing of protected bird species by JFK Airport "wildlife control contractors"!
City Council, pass the community board reforms! We strongly support these reforms. Community boards are weak at best. At worst, they are dominated by self-interested or deeply biased individuals who directly, systematically oppose the residential majority of the community. It's time to re-draft the blueprints that permit such corruption to destroy our neighborhoods!
RIP Al Feldstein The activists of the 60’s got their early exposure to satire and inept government from the pages of Mad Magazine. Al cared about humor, kids and country and he made a difference.
We think you can learn a lot about yourself from your dreams. This is good for the mind. "While one might use lucid dreaming to act out all kinds of fantasies, researchers think there are applications for lucid dreaming beyond mere entertainment. Psychologists and other researchers are looking for ways it could improve our waking experience. " Dreams into art --
We're 100% for personal expression. That said, if anyone's gonna call Obama un-Presidential for his Two Ferns interview, they better be calling Dubya's amateur painting exhibition downright anti-Presidential! 50 more years down this road and ex-Presidents will be showcasing their coloring book work!
First bro-step, now bro-country. 'Tis a dark, soulless time for music indeed.
We're a bit freaked out by all the people gone missing in the last week. Dental student Jiwon Lee missing for a week, fashion designer Jay Ott missing for 8 days, and banker Andrew Jarzyk missing for 10 days. We hope these folks are found and this trend stops.
- http://www.nytim
We’re gonna miss you Dave! You've kept us entertained for years and we wish you the best in your retirement. We agree with Mayor Garcetti and >Los-Angelenos that CBS should create the next iteration of the Late Show in Los Angeles.
It's that time again: Lower East Side nightlife operators are applying for liquor license expansions. We've been sick of the atmosphere for years and nothing has changed. We urge Lower East Siders to register their positions in this survey from the LES Dwellers.
Props to Mayor de Blasio for funding free prekindergarten education in NYC! Thanks for making this an issue and for fighting for it!
America's congress, a sad but true April Fool (from Joel Pett, Lexington Herald-Leader)
The LAPD needs to re-read the Constitution. They have no right to hoard license plate data collected from police vehicles and telephone poles. Their defense, that vehicles "may" be stolen, sought by an Amber Alert, or driven by a fugitive, is pathetic. The 4th Amendment applies here, and what "may" be possible falls far from implying what is "probable". But we appreciate the challenge of law enforcement, so a compromise could be to let the DMV track this information and release it only by warrant, or to filter out--in real-time--any license plate data that is not related to an ongoing investigation.
Mozilla's choice for CEO is a sad step backward. Mozilla has always embraced a spirit of social progress. Given the increasing evidence of elitism and monoculturalism in the tech industry, this move seems shockingly dismissive and ignorant. Tech companies need to do all they can to increase diversity and tolerance in the industry. And as a public face and vision-setter, each tech CEO plays a pivotal role in that.
We >CHICAGOANS as >AMERICANS will not stand for this! While you're still cleaning up yo...original
We share >Chicagoans outrage at BP's oil spill. We hope the penalties are stiff in order to motivate improved safety controls and to send the message that our natural resources are fragile resources that must be treated with the utmost care!
"Artisinal tortillas"? Ay dios mio! We have enough gourmet/fusion/u
We sympathize for the business owners affected by the Harlem explosion, and we feel it's reasonable for the city to avail low/zero-interest emergency loans to help them out temporarily. But in the end, this is an issue for insurance and, possibly, for ConEd or the negligent landlords to rectify, not the city government.
We need to stop long-term solitary confinement. As Americans, we're above torturing prisoners in this brutal way. It just feeds a cycle of violent behavior and a culture of punitive destruction that ends up making its way onto streets and local precincts. It's just another way being tough on crime has not only backfired, but turned us from the values this country is founded upon.
The 'Girls' finale was a great way to end a great season! (And we're still hoping to find Marnie's entire 'What I Am' video somewhere.)
Obama's termination of the NSA's bulk phone metadata collection is a significant step forward! We're relieved to see it happen. However, the greater problem goes on: that there is little transparency or oversight of the FISC and other secret powers granted by Section 215 of the Patriot Act. Fixing that is how we repair our damaged democracy.
Crimeans join the >Russians and the other >Ukrainians join the West. Seems like a fair trade! It's on us now to make the most of this.
4,4 magnitude earthquake today within the city limits. It wasn't bad enough to injure anyone or damage property, but we take it as a reminder that we all need to be prepared for the Big One™.
We're uneasy this morning after a building "exploded" in East Harlem. We hope no one was killed and that it was just a terrible accident.
In other neighborhoods, yesterday's 65° weather was an exciting taste of spring. For us >Lower-East-Siders, it was an omen of the out-of-control nightlife violence that summer brings. Two fights broke out outside of the Hotel on Rivington on the Lower East Side Monday night. One was an old-fashioned broken bottle duel, the other a violent attack of a female by a male. The Hotel's own security guards didn't even intervene--guards from across the street did! And it goes without saying in this neighborhood, the cops didn't show up until everything died down. Yet further examples of how >Lower-East-Siders are being run roughshod by bar operators in collusion with a corrupt Community Board 3 and NYPD Precinct 7, threatening the fragile economic progress made in the previous decade.
California policyholders congratulate Kaiser Permanente for their recognition as highest in custo...original
Between Kaiser Permanente and the Affordable Care Act more >Americans have the opportunity for quality health care. And that's a big win for everyone.
California policyholders congratulate Kaiser Permanente for their recognition as highest in customer satisfaction -- seven years in a row. Keep up the good work and continue to improve. Meanwhile, Blue Shield of California and Anthem Blue Cross are neck in neck in their race to the bottom of customer satisfaction as they appear to follow the motto, “profits before patients.”
Congrats to everyone that finished the marathon! You made it harder for us to get to brunch and pig out, but you still made us all proud.
Season 1 finale of True Detective was a let down. We want answers, not philosophy! For that, we can just re-watch Season 7 of LOST.
Mmmmmmm.... Now this looks like a tasty way to spend $250! Thank you, >New-Yorkers.
"Sun"-day delivered! New Yorkers, hurry up and... do everything!
Mexico’s Avocado cartels >Americans, particularly >foodies, face another dilemma as conscience shoppers; are we supporting violence against Mexican farmers and workers by snacking on our beloved guacamole? The Knights Templar, one of Mexico’s most violent gangs, extorts nearly every working citizen in many areas of Michoacan. Through kidnapping, assault and intimidation they collect at least 10% of earnings from everyone in the avocado business: from growers, pickers, truckers and exporters to sellers of pesticides and other farm products. We praise brave >Mexicans as they band together in armed citizen defense groups and begin to openly oppose the gang. Their actions have forced the Mexican government, notoriously corrupt at every level, to finally stand up to the cartel and provide additional support to the people of Michoacan. Thanks to KCRW for the broadcast on their Good Food blog: “Jose de Cordoba: Avocado Cartels”
>Lower-East-Siders applaud the persistent efforts of Ms. Boyd and the LES Dwellers to awaken and galvanize our community. We sense a turning-of-the-corner in LES quality of life thanks to their efforts, and look forward to further progress in 2014!
Pizza - ummm We love the new fast fired pizzerias. Custom pizzas at a decent price and prepared within 10 minutes. The ones we tried are surprisingly tasty; as good as those you will find at the best mom and pop pizza shops. They will surely impact the business model of the major chains like Dominos, Pizza Hut and Round Table. Serves them right. The new shops have names like Blaze, 800 Degrees, Pieology and MOD Pizza. Check’em out.
Well this goat head in Prospect Park is totally disgusting. Come on, New Yorkers! Let's keep it classy-ish!
>Pittsburghers mourn the passing of Porky Chedwick, the Daddio of the Raddio. We celebrate the life of the most loved DJ of all time of any American city, bar none. Porky originated the “old sound” in the 1950’s and played the very best of the rare oldies. He sincerely loved and respected his fans.
Rest in peace Porky!
One of Porky's big sounds from the early '60's, Swingin' Little Chicky by the Belltones: http://www.youtu
Putin's aggression against >Ukrainians continues to undermine his oft-repeated claim that >Russians play by the international rules. Which just validates our own sidestepping of treaty and protocol. All of which concerns us because it may be setting the region up for a destructive confrontation. Hopefully Ukrainians can find a middle ground between Western and Russian alignment.
We are heartened by the rain. And it is not the typical light sprinkles that puts the local networks on “Storm Watch.” It’s a bonafide winter storm from the Pacific. On Friday it dropped 2 1/4 inches on downtown Los Angeles and more in the foothills. The storm generated warnings of flash floods and mudslides and created 12 foot waves at some beaches. Last night some San Gabriel Valley residents were awakened by two reverse 911 calls; the first warning of a tornado (“…take shelter now…”) and the second warning of flash floods. Despite our elation over the rain experts say it will do little to relieve the drought. Nevertheless it’s better than nothing. And we love it.
DJ Cavem is a real OG (Organic Gardener), who is “teachin' HIP HOP history and how to grow gr...original
We agree that using music to connect to the youth about environmental responsibility is a great idea. We're interested to know of artists in other musical genres that have this environmental focus. Perhaps the >soundcrowd can enlighten us...
Good job, kids! Keep it up!
As >Americans "We love writing, and we love trains, and we love them both together."
Sorry, Raymond, we don't think that gun is gonna help the Knicks shoot any better.
Programming languages are not foreign languages, just as mathematics, sheet music, and art are not foreign languages. Specifically, programming languages don't have anywhere near the expressive power of natural languages, nor are they formed by thousands of years of cultural history. Kids need to become computer literate, no question about that. But this shouldn't come at the expense of exposure to foreign cultures. In fact, we need to ensure our kids are getting more exposure to other cultures, as the globe becomes smaller and smaller.
Boo to NBC. The Olympics started out strong but, like the men's ski-cross, soon turned disastrous. Early on all the hoopla about Sochi being unprepared was particularly engaging, as was Bob Costas' "competition" with an eye infection. But, thanks to NBC's legendary Olympics programming, it soon became an endless slog of figure skating, skiing/snowboarding, randomly back to figure skating, now more skiing/snowboarding, ad nauseum. Where was the hockey, bobsledding, luge, skeleton? Where were the medal ceremonies? And with all the switching, where was any explanation of everything that transpired while we were gone? The few bones they did mercifully toss us with speed skating and biathlon were sandwiched (of course) between ice skating and skiing/snowboarding. Not a very tasty sandwich, NBC. Thanks for ruining our appetites.
We must not ignore the >North-Koreans.
Nothing on Earth compares to the horrifying scale of inhumanity there, and the extent of oppression and despair that render them incapable of revolution. We must not mistake their inaction for satisfaction with their condition. As free people in the most powerful country on Earth, it is *our* duty to come to their aid.
Michael Kirby of the UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in DPRK, summed up the imperative: "At the end of the second world war, so many people said, 'If only we had known. If only we had known the wrongs that were done...' Well now, the international community does know. There will be no excusing a failure of action."
For starters, let's pressure our government to hold the >Chinese accountable for abetting this regime. Let's support NGOs, such as LibertyInNorthKo
A look at what might be! It's just a map, but it's enough to awaken our imagination and focus our hope for better public transportation!