If you have the time, you should definitely read the graphic novels. They are much more intense and satisfying than the tv show, not to say that the show is bad or anything like that. Especially if you were like me and couldn't wait another 6 months until the season 3 premiere.
I'm personally a fan of Tosh.0 Gotta love that snide, sarcastic humor directed at all those horrible internet videos.
Voting a post up or down is one of the key components of blocvox yet most posts have only one or two votes. It’s a test environmentalists; let’s test it. Vote up or down but vote.
We're not as excited about tomorrow's rumored iPad 3 announcement by Apple as we are about the AppleTV! 24/7 Siri! (If only they could make her sound like the computer from Star Trek The Next Generation!)
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