Contributions by bboyatwork   Proposed 40 voxes • endorsed 72 voxes

About bboyatwork
"Librarian, a writer, a bboy... Funkier Than a Mosquito's Tweeter - Chicago" Muh Blog Muh Twittr Muh G+
35 proposals approved (88%)
37 comments made
Denies 3 voxes
95 points total
Identifies with 32 blocs
Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By mike for the
    Tuesday, December 24, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
    We support Chiara de Blasio's recovery.

    We support Chiara de Blasio's recovery. The 19-year-old daughter of the mayor elect overcame an alcohol and marijuana dependency she developed last year during her freshman year of college. She's taken a very common issue for college students and become a role model for how to handle it. It's a bit sad that she had to be so public about it, but such is the collateral damage of having a political family. Now that it's off the table, however, we hope her privacy will be respected going forward.

  • By mike for the
    Friday, December 20, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
    Beyoncé, sometimes we hate to love you, but damn! This last week, you got us, pure and simple.  We'll humbly bow down now.

    Beyoncé, sometimes we hate to love you, but damn! This last week, you got us, pure and simple. We'll humbly bow down now.

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    Google Doodle 12/20/2013 - A real in-browser crossword to celebrate 100 years of their ability to boggle my mind at least. Pretty sick implementation in mostly or all HTMLl5 I'm thinking ? (Ignore my answeres in the picture they are probably wrong...)‎

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
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    I and other people of color (aka non white identifying) struggle with this daily. There is still a perception of a level of measure being applied to normative culture as it being set by white Americans. Even if hiphop and other powerful native cultures to the Americas like the various Latino cultures are increasingly influential. The images we see, that are advertised or the social norms we adopt are heavily influenced by the anglo-american. This largely has to do with who controls most of the wealth in this country, but also there is a psychology of all american people to normalize to this level of whiteness in order to avoid persecution or oppression by being outside of the larger society because of political, sexual, religious or vocational choices. "White America is desperately searching for its soul because it has for so long benefited from a belief that it is apart from the rest of us, blank of experience..."

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By lovejoy for the
    Friday, October 11, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
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    I think it may be time to surf the internet in privacy mode. "Today, an FBI agent can open an intrusive investigation with no reason to suspect criminal activity, and any resulting information can be kept for 20-30 years, even if it has no relationship to the investigation. Similarly, the FBI keeps so-called "suspicious activity reports" that are determined to have no relevance to terrorism – but may reflect Americans' constitutionally protected speech or other activities – for 30 years in a widely-accessible database."

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    Rationally it doesn't make sense to do something like this. I'm wondering what the reasoning was. Are these recent cases all going to be explained away by psychosis or someone being chemically unstable ? When it happens in other countries it's considered revolutionary...or self-sacrafice to explain the human struggle.

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By mike for the
    Tuesday, October 01, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
    Shutdown plurality voting!

    Shutdown plurality voting! - Government shuts down, due to - Ideological fundamentalism in Congress, due to - Ideological fundamentalists voted into Congress by the American people, due to - Dysfunctional, big money, two-party political system generating few election options, due to - Widespread use of simplistic, poorly-representative, winner-takes-all, Plurality Voting system based on single-mark ballots, due to - It being used when the country was founded and now being ingrained in our culture, due to - Single-mark ballots being easy to tabulate by hand. Yes, in 2013, after landing rovers on Mars, sequencing the human genome, and creating a machine than can beat humans on Jeopardy!, Americans still use a simplistic system based on single-mark ballots and plurality voting because historically they were easier to count by hand! Fortunately the Constitution (and local and state law) can be changed. ;) That means it's actually on us. Do we want to move to more evolved, robust systems, such as Preferential Voting (ranked voting) or Proportional Representation (wherever possible), to create a more representative, satisfactory, efficient government? Or do we want to keep our 'merican gladiator system that produces ideological meatheads who'd rather fight on camera than solve problems? More info: - - NGO worth checking out:

Endorsed by bboyatwork
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    I've been to the Watershed bar.

    I've been to the Watershed bar. Very quaint. They had absinthe, I had absinthe, I was in heaven. I'm looking forward to hitting up The Library soon (naturally because I'm a librarian). If any of ya'll visit Chicago soon, here are 5 secret watering holes for you...

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    Just found this new online drafting tool for those who like to compose long, thoughtful posts for their online spaces. This gives you a home base to draft/publish them from instead of crosspublishing across platform in the broken ways I've experienced it so far. Wordpress to tumblr to twitter. Now I can pick and choose and have different drafts depending on the destination. Or however you wanna creatively use it. Check it out! From what I've heard it's like a Github for writers (of the online nature).

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By mike for the
    Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
    Bill de Blasio's family for NYC mayor!

    Bill de Blasio's family for NYC mayor! De Blasio's son may have won him the Democratic primary, but we're pretty sure his daughter just made him mayor.

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    New or a rehash of the same old ? I'm hoping for something fresh and it just launched today. I will give it a week of steady watching, but some suspect it to be a more polished version of CNN... Al Jazeera English had an bias - but it's always nice to see an outside America or more critical perspective. This show will be funded by money from outside the US, but made by those who reside in the US. I hope a beneficial combination for those who are able to subscribe to this channel. They started off on a bad foot though, banning content basically from the other Al Jazeera networks around the world...

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
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    Why wouldn't one comment on something that is open to the public for review? I'm not surprised that this codes implementation has happened, it's just the lack of transparency bothers me. 'Vines wouldn’t say whether the agency’s work on Android and other software is part of or helps with Prism. “The source code is publicly available for anyone to use, and that includes the ability to review the code line by line,” she said in her statement. '

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    If we are >americans-for-liberty do we trust companies that we send a lot of personal and real time information to - through paid or free services through contract - or is it because the government is storing this information in secret that our reaction is so averse? Has our relationships with private interest and government interest completely changed ? Which gives us more liberty ? "The state uses ever more advanced surveillance technology to watch us, and our own ever-greater use of personal technology makes it possible. On the other hand, technology has fundamentally destroyed the state’s ability to control our access to information, and exposed its bureaucracy to unprecedented scrutiny. This may be the death of privacy, but perhaps it’s also the death of secrecy and impunity. In that respect, fortunately, Orwell was wrong. Thanks to technology, Big Brother may be watching us, but we’re watching him too."

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
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    Worried about your eyes melting while staring at the computer screen for hours on end? No fear f.lux is here --> Your eyes will thank you later ;)

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By mike for the
    Monday, June 17, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
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    In this new era of ubiquitous surveillance, we're considering simplifying the Blocvox sign-up/login page by removing that pesky password requirement.

  • By mike for the
    Sunday, June 16, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
    Tropical storms and flash floods on the weekdays, and sunny, perfect balminess on the weekends?

Mother Nature, you have yourself a deal.

    Tropical storms and flash floods on the weekdays, and sunny, perfect balminess on the weekends? Mother Nature, you have yourself a deal.

  • By mike for the
    Friday, June 14, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
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    When the branches of government collaborate to set a few well-placed wrenches in its innermost works to break the mechanisms of public accountability, civil disobedience becomes a moral necessity. So, indeed, Edward Snowden /is/ a hero.

  • By mike for the
    Friday, June 14, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
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    As much as we love Arrested Development, we just can't get that into the new stuff due to its... disjointed development. Digital delivery holds the promise of bringing small time, lower budget productions to large audiences, but those productions also tend to be edgier, riskier, and more adventurous. Combine that edginess with the wide-open possibilities of the on-demand digital frontier, and you risk a level of self-indulgence that would make Lindsay Fünke blush. It's a match made in Sudden Valley. In the case of A.D., they started down the zany path of "watch 'em in any order" only to abandon that at the last minute. That sounds like something the Bluth family might do, and while we applaud the show creators' efforts to feel their characters, we wished they didn't. That ever-tumbling plot-orientation of yesterday's A.D. was replaced with an explosion of disconnected mini-biopics. They each go in their own direction and leave us not with a burning desire to find out WHAT THE HELL WILL HAPPEN NEXT?! but with a burning desire to shrug and shake our heads. Netflix, next time you take on a gifted show, make sure you don't let your new media strangeness mess with their mojo.

  • By mike for the
    Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.

    Super major props from us in the blocvox-troopers to the good folks of the >soundcrowd for being the first new bloc of the re-launch!! *collective high-five!*

Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By mike for the
    Friday, June 07, 2013 Login to agree. Login to disagree.

    This breach of trust can't be overstated. The American government itself is guilty of moral treason. Game theory tells us we can't expect any entity to act but in their rational self-interest, but I am incensed all the same. One must only assume, therefore, that this exposure will not diminish surveillance, but drive it further beyond the sight and reach of the public. I do have faith however that Americans (and not just corporations) will use their freedom to protect their freedom, and strive to invent private means of communication that remain beyond the sight and reach of Big Brother.

  • By mike for the
    Friday, June 15, 2012 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
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    The new web page attachment feature allows us to show a summary of a webpage along with the vox, whenever we include a URL in the vox. The current implementation is rough, but it works. To attach a web page summary, simply include a URL in your vox... as you're typing, the site should detect the URL, and if it is able to create a summary, it will display the summary details next to the vox text box, where you can write comments about the referenced webpage. For example: No parliament means no representation. Looks like Egypt may be headed for a dictatorship.

  • By mike for the
    Friday, June 15, 2012 Login to agree. Login to disagree.
    There's a new Photo upload feature, for those times when words won't suffice. Speaking of which, check out the trendy logo!

    There's a new Photo upload feature, for those times when words won't suffice. Speaking of which, check out the trendy logo!

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    "What the merchant-barons wanted was a centralized national government with the ability to coercively suppress internal dissent movements, regulate trade, protect private property, and subsidize infrastructure that would drive the economy. What they ultimately wanted was to gut a vast, living continent and turn it into wealth, and they didn't want anyone to get in their way. That's the trajectory this culture has been on for 10,000 years, since the beginning of agriculture. The only thing that has changed is who gets to benefit from that gutting." - Lierre Keith // Deep Green Resistance - by Jensen/Mcbay/Keith

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
Endorsed by bboyatwork
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    The Stream: Is the US ready for a three-party system?

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    Where is history anymore. Is what matters most the things that are happening now? Shall the past not inform our current opinions any more? Education really seems to now really be indoctrination, or selective learning influenced by the local community. Can it be any other way, when we have the world of information at our finger tips now? Is knowledge democratized currently? If so, why haven't we expressed our collective power of democracy. Each one representing themselves, instead of voting their responsibility away.

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    Meet the "Occupy" candidates running for Congress: #ows #MotherJones

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Endorsed by bboyatwork
  • By mike for the
    Sunday, March 11, 2012 Login to agree. Login to disagree.

    "U.S. soldier in Afghanistan goes on a shooting rampage." If anything is surprising about this, it's that it took so long to happen. We have a culture that glorifies violence, and praises aggression as the American way to solve problems. Our educational system is completely devoid of tolerance and diversity instruction, has failed to equip students with adequate job skills, and completely down-plays the greatest of American traits, a overriding respect for the content of one's character. And then we fill the frontlines of our military, literally the faces of our nation to those countries who are at greatest ideological odds with us, with the most extreme personifications of these problems. We weren't surprised 10 years ago, and we're not surprised today. It's time we re-learned what it means to be American.

  • By mike for the
    Thursday, March 08, 2012 Login to agree. Login to disagree.

    Talk about cheap commodity hardware! $35 700MHz Arm processor with 256MB memory. We'd love to build a Hadoop cluster out of a ton of those bad boys!