
This vox by tom-jjbt on behalf of soundcrowd is endorsed by 3 of them and denied by 0.


Proposed Monday, March 03, 2014 by tom-jjbt
>Pittsburghers mourn the passing of Porky Chedwick

>Pittsburghers mourn the passing of Porky Chedwick, the Daddio of the Raddio. We celebrate the life of the most loved DJ of all time of any American city, bar none. Porky originated the “old sound” in the 1950’s and played the very best of the rare oldies. He sincerely loved and respected his fans. Rest in peace Porky! One of Porky's big sounds from the early '60's, Swingin' Little Chicky by the Belltones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvx44KANbpU

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Discussion among the soundcrowd.
  1. irishphiliRegrettably I only knew Porky through my spouses stories and fantastic collection of "Pittsburgh oldies."   11 years ago
  2. barbaramcgranahanAwww so sad about Porky. I listened to him so much in my teenage years. He was always so popular among all my friends. Makes me think back on those days and the dances we used to go too. We will miss you Porky.   11 years ago
  3. karenguiserPorky was definitely an icon in the Pittsburgh area. Some friends were sharing memories of him on KDKA radio the day after he died. One man who lived near him   11 years ago
  4. karenguiserwhen he was young said that Porky gave "45" records to trick or treaters who came around on Halloween. Another said that he & several of his friends would carry his records to record hops & Porky called them his "Little Bossmen"   11 years ago