
This vox by tom-jjbt on behalf of pittsburghers is endorsed by 3 of them and denied by 0.


Proposed Friday, March 07, 2014 by tom-jjbt
>Americans and >Environmentalists love Bald Eagles

>Americans and >Environmentalists love Bald Eagles, but none more so than Pittsburghers who have a nesting pair within city limits incubating three eggs. Bald Eagles had been absent from the Pittsburgh area for about 250 years but thanks to reintroduction efforts, which began 30 years ago, there are currently nests on all three rivers according to the Audubon Society of Western Penna. Outsiders may be surprised to learn of the nesting eagles within city limits but Pittsburghers are well familiar with the wildlife that exists in their many wooded areas. Not the least of which are wild turkeys, another majestic bird that, if Benjamin Franklin had his way, would have replaced the Bald Eagle as our national symbol. Click the link to see live activity from the Hays Bald Eagle cam.

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Discussion among the pittsburghers.
  1. irishphiliBeautiful birds.   11 years ago
  2. karenguiserPittsburghers are eagerly waiting for the eggs to hatch. We hope all the eaglets survive & we may soon see these majestic birds soaring through our skies.   11 years ago
  3. barbaramcgranahanWe here in Pittsburgh spend a lot of time watching the eagles in their nest via webcam. It's very interesting how the male comes and takes his turn sitting on the eggs. We are all concerned about their welfare.   11 years ago
  4. barbaramcgranahanThe egg hatched at 4:15 PM today, 3/28. Such a cute little fuzzy eaglet!!   10 years ago
  5. karenguiserPittsburghers are happy to welcome the first eaglet to our city!! Two more to hatch to make the family complete.   10 years ago