
This vox by tejadajr on behalf of football-fans is endorsed by 2 of them and denied by 0.


Proposed Saturday, February 01, 2014 by tejadajr
We're a day away from the greatest event in sports

We're a day away from the greatest event in sports. This is going to be one of those match ups that could go down in Super Bowl history. The Broncos' high scoring offense vs. the Seahawks' top rated defense. Throw in a little Peyton Manning and Richard Seymour in the mix. All this hype and hoopla sandwiched between a Bruno Mars halftime show. Really? C'mon man!

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Discussion among the football-fans.
  1. mikeHaha, yeehaw! Bruno Mars better come out with an army of real life Martians or drive onto the field in a tank firing live rounds into the sky, because he alone can't live up to the Super Bowl hype.   11 years ago
  2. bboyatworkHaha @mike, wonderful comment. Wow, we hope to see all of that happen. We will be watching just in case Martians do try and send us a message ;)   11 years ago