We believe that physical retail will never truly go away as many people have predicted. Especially when one focuses on the tactile experience that is shopping for clothes. One cannot simply deduce the quality, construction and feel of a garment through photography alone.
Op-Ed | In a Digital World, Physical Retail Matters More Than Ever - BoF - The Business of FashionNEW YORK, United States - With digital commerce attracting a lot of attention, it's sometimes easy to forget just how valuable physical retail remains. While tech gurus like Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen may predict the impending doom of offline stores, there's no evidence that, in the highly tactile fashion industry, sales at physical retail stores...
shot-calluh • Totally agree. Also, physical stores have physical people that can get to know you and, if they're good, offer style advice. You can't get that from a webpage.10 years ago