
This vox by lovejoy on behalf of americans-for-liberty is endorsed by 3 of them and denied by 0.


Proposed Sunday, January 19, 2014 by lovejoy
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Should we believe what the chairman of the House of Intelligence Committee is saying? Did Snowden actually end up in the "loving arms of an FSB agent in Moscow?" I don't think so. I smell diversion.

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Discussion among the americans-for-liberty.
  1. mikeInteresting article and I like your angle. However, I'd like to make sure everyone is composing their vox as a sort-of community announcement. So the actual phrasing of the sentiment would be from a group perspective. The most straightforward way to do this is simply to replace "I" with "we". (E.g. "We smell diversion.") When you author a vox you're actually just proposing it to your community as a potential community announcement, which means those upvotes really count as authentic community endorsement. That's what makes Blocvox unique and sets it apart from the oversaturated "me me me" social media landscape. Lemme know if there is anything you think I can change/add to the site to make that more apparent. Thanks!   11 years ago
  2. lovejoyOh thanks Mike!!! I will make sure to word my voxes correctly next time. :)   11 years ago
  3. mikeNo prob! Thanks for contributing to the cause of liberty! :)   11 years ago